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2023 halifax fringe festival


schedule & Tickets

Sep 4th - 3:30pm, Sep 5th - 10:00pm
Sep 6th - 10:15pm, Sep 8th- 8:30pm
Sep 9th - 5:45pm, Sep 10th - 4pm & 8pm

the bus stop theatre
bus stop community room

The America Show!

Want to improve your knowledge of United States culture, politics, and customs? Want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of everyday Canadian life? Then join Jessica Kissinger, head cultural expert from the US Department of Manifest Destiny, at "The America Show!" a new immersive cultural seminar coming to a fringe festival near you!

This raucous and riotous satire brings audiences into “Liberty & Justice For All!”- an American cultural seminar led by the overzealous Jessica Kissinger. With time running out and so much to share with Canadians- Jessica spirals down a rabbit hole of revisionist history, Dr. Phil, and kinder eggs.  


This one-act, one-woman comedy is written and performed by Jessie Walker- the recipient of the first ever Unnatural Disaster Fringeship Production Program partnership, an initiative to provide financial and production support to an early-career artist putting on their first fringe show.

About The Team

Jessie Walker - Playwright, Performer, Producer
Gina Woodward - Stage Manager
Logan Robins - Director, Producer, Dramaturge


schedule & Tickets

Sep 7th - 8:45pm, Sep 8th- 7:45pm
Sep 9th - 7:45pm, Sep 10th - 6:45pm

Neptune theatre
the scotiabank studio (Directions)

Human Intelligence/intelligence humaine

Presented as a co-production with Théâtre DesAssimilés


Human Intelligence is a bold fusion of devised theatre, improv comedy, and AI tools that asks the question… Do you need to be human to make humans laugh?


When C.R.A.I.G, an AI program designed for Comedy Research and Artificial Intelligence Governance, catches wind of humans' disdain for AI in the arts- they decide to acquire some of Nova Scotia’s finest improvisers to put the nature of comedy to the test and earn their respect.


Through a series of innovative improv scenes the performers will have one hour to prove their worth as performers (and human beings)…In the fight for comedy supremacy - it is a battle between Performer vs. Machine.

What does it take to make an audience laugh? Which is more powerful? Artificial OR Human Intelligence?

About The Team

Alex Naus - Collaborative Performer
Alina Kogas - Collaborative Performer
Disco Labrie - Collaborative Performer, Co-Creator
Gabrielle Therrien - Collaborative Performer
Katherine Norris - Collaborative Performer
Logan Robins - Collaborative Performer, Co-Creator
Olivier Blais - Collaborative Performer, Co-Creator
Renaud Blais - Collaborative Performer
Zoë Comeau - Collaborative Performer, Co-Creator


schedule & Tickets

Sep 4th - 2:00pm, Sep 5th - 6:00pm
Sep 6th - 6:00pm, Sep 7th- 6:00pm
Sep 9th - 2pm & 4:30pm, Sep 10th - 2:00pm

Point Pleasant park
at the Cambridge battery (

The Object at Trash Beach

Presented as a co-production with The Villains Theatre

It’s the last day of the season at the shittiest beach around - but what happens when something inexplicable appears over the water? Garbage collectors, citizen scientists, lifeguards, and snacks: this 20 minute comedy will have you questioning whether we can ever truly know if we are alone out there. We want to believe!

Come on down to the Cambridge Battery at Point Pleasant Park for Colleen MacIsaac's new site-specific comedy- and don't forget... keep your eyes on the skies! Make sure to check out the play Forest World while you are down in the park for a great double feature in the great outdoors!

About The Team

Abby Weisbrot - Performer (Agla)
Ryan Nielsen - Performer (Cly)
Vaishali Sachdeva - Performer (Morgan)
Colleen MacIsaac - Playwright, Producer
Logan Robins - Director, Producer
Ben Cable - Production Assistant


schedule & Tickets


September 9th at 6:00pm
100% of ticket profits go to the HFX Newcomer Choir!

st. Andrew's church
6036 Coburg Road, Halifax (Directions)

The Hfx newcomer choir Fringe Sing-Along

Presented in collaboration with The Halifax Newcomer Choir


ALL ARE WELCOME to join The Unnatural Disaster Theatre Co. & The Halifax Newcomer’s Choir to listen (or sing along) to some amazing choral music at the 2023 Halifax Fringe! A perfect event to bring the whole family!


This is a casual, community-based, sing-along event open to all ages- if you are a newcomer, a local, or anywhere in between! Digital sheet music will be provided for those who would like it- but no singing/music experience is required!


We hope to see you at 6pm on September 9th for an evening of music and joy!


About the Halifax Newcomer Choir - Started by Rachel Lutz in the fall of 2021, The Halifax Newcomer’s Choir exists to provide English language practice and community building opportunities for newcomers and locals in the Halifax area.


The choir meets every Tuesday evening from 6-8pm at St. Andrew’s United Church. Participation is free to all who attend, and children, family, and friends are welcome.


About The Team

Rachel Lutz - Choir Co-Director
Rebecca McCauley - Choir Co-Director
Husam Kumar - Collaborative Pianist
Ivy Charles - Fringe Organizer

Logan Robins - Producer, Fringe Organizer

The America Show
Human Intelligence
Object at Trash Beach
Fring Sing Along


Originally founded in 2019, The Unnatural Disaster Theatre Co. has become one of Nova Scotia’s freshest and most groundbreaking indie theatre makers. With a deeply rooted focus on the environment and social justice (both on and off stage)- this eclectic collective of artists strives to produce meaningful work that can entertain, educate, and make an impact within their community.

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